Qi Gong Through Feldenkrais
Qi Gong Through Feldenkrais
This summer, we are offering a very unique 8-weeks-class taught by Chris Mondello.
All levels students are welcome to join us to have great summer learning experience! |
Jul. 13 - Aug. 31
Saturdays 12pm - 1pm @ 217 Centre St. 2nd Floor Price: $160 for 8-week-class $ 25 for a single class |
Chris MondelloI come from an art background. I graduated the School of Visual Arts in NYC with a Bachelor of Fine arts in 1993. I started learning Tai chi in 1998 and then began a serious study of internal martial arts in 2004 at the Wutang PCA under Frank Allen and Tina Zhang. My interests have always been body mechanics and ease of movement. These interests have also led me to the study of the Feldenkrais method, which has aided me with chronic pain and has enriched my training in internal martial arts. I am now a certified Feldenkrais practitioner and continue advocating the study of internal martial arts.
- Chris Mondello |