China Trip
Short videos of the trips,
A video journal of China trip 2024
The 19th China Trip 2025
Wu Dang Mountain 10-Day Special
Every Heart needs tranquil moment in a beautiful place…
Details coming soon...
Wu Dang Mountain 10-Day Special
Every Heart needs tranquil moment in a beautiful place…
Details coming soon...
What we have experienced on our 2019 China trip...
A great trip, indeed... as always, the presence of Masters, is a privilege...learned, and relearned much, as such, many parts of my practice have come together, especially the moving forward aspect. Even the "bad" moments held promise, so, lessons learned, and integrated. a fun crew to travel with, though, I am definitely feeling the loss, after having bonded somewhat with all. thank you. I treasure the moments spent with my teachers, Frank and Tina, and truly look forward to spend time again, with all these good folks, in far away lands...
Django Carranza
The journey to China with Tina and Frank was, for me, a beautiful experience that moved me in profound ways that I'm sure will continue to unfold over the years to come.
The opportunity to participate in classes with the master teachers in Beijing was extraordinary, even though I felt I was only absorbing learning from "the tip of the iceberg" of the knowledge they offered, due to my being very much a beginner with regard to martial arts with weapons. Discovering the beautiful parks and temples of Beijing was in some ways just as meaningful to me as the classes -- especially Bai Yun temple -- they opened windows onto Chinese and Daoist culture in new ways and were fascinating to wander around.
But the part of the trip to which I was most looking forward, and which indeed turned out to be the most marvelous for me, was the stay on Wu Dang Shan. Just being in that landscape for several days was fantastic -- the striking natural beauty, in synergy with the temples and palaces. And I found the lessons with teacher/master Chen fascinating, thought-provoking and helpful in giving me a fuller understanding of Daoism and the practice of Daoist meditation. It was extraordinary to be able to partake in that experience, in that place. Just being there for several days, I felt I was absorbing some sort of understanding of Daoism by osmosis, as well as by observation and personal focusing.
It was wonderful, too, to get to know people in the group, and share the experiences of the lessons as well as the sightseeing. I loved experiencing how people from diverse backgrounds and countries are brought together by a mutual, and varied, enthusiasm for martial arts/Daoist energy exercises/Chinese culture. And I was glad to have the chance to get to know Tina and Frank better, also.
And at the core of it all, I am grateful to Tina for the enormous effort of putting all of this together, arranging so many elements of the trip along the way, and the hard work of translating -- and to Frank for his part in making it all the wonderful journey that it was.
Thank you to everyone!
Amy Louise Pommier
The opportunity to participate in classes with the master teachers in Beijing was extraordinary, even though I felt I was only absorbing learning from "the tip of the iceberg" of the knowledge they offered, due to my being very much a beginner with regard to martial arts with weapons. Discovering the beautiful parks and temples of Beijing was in some ways just as meaningful to me as the classes -- especially Bai Yun temple -- they opened windows onto Chinese and Daoist culture in new ways and were fascinating to wander around.
But the part of the trip to which I was most looking forward, and which indeed turned out to be the most marvelous for me, was the stay on Wu Dang Shan. Just being in that landscape for several days was fantastic -- the striking natural beauty, in synergy with the temples and palaces. And I found the lessons with teacher/master Chen fascinating, thought-provoking and helpful in giving me a fuller understanding of Daoism and the practice of Daoist meditation. It was extraordinary to be able to partake in that experience, in that place. Just being there for several days, I felt I was absorbing some sort of understanding of Daoism by osmosis, as well as by observation and personal focusing.
It was wonderful, too, to get to know people in the group, and share the experiences of the lessons as well as the sightseeing. I loved experiencing how people from diverse backgrounds and countries are brought together by a mutual, and varied, enthusiasm for martial arts/Daoist energy exercises/Chinese culture. And I was glad to have the chance to get to know Tina and Frank better, also.
And at the core of it all, I am grateful to Tina for the enormous effort of putting all of this together, arranging so many elements of the trip along the way, and the hard work of translating -- and to Frank for his part in making it all the wonderful journey that it was.
Thank you to everyone!
Amy Louise Pommier
As a translator for the trip, especially, the 5-day course of the Taoist Meditation at the Wu Dang Mountain, was an exceptional experience. When Taoist priest Chen is teaching, I need translate the classical Chinese into English simultaneously... Translate the true meaning of the Taoist philosophical concept, the culture, the Chinese medicine, and the practice methods were not an easy task, but I leaned A LOT throughout the translation work, and realized more than ever on how much the world needs truthful information on Taoist study.
Tina C Zhang
Tina C Zhang
(In German Language)
Ein bischen mulmig war mir schon, eine Kettensäge nach China im Koffer? Als ich sie endliche bei meiner Bildhauerfreundin Liang Hao in Peking abgeben habe war ich froh, dass alles ohne große Schwierigkeiten geklappt hat. Den Ausflug mit ihr und Künstlerfreunden in die Berge hat mir sehr entsprochen, denn Künstler sehen die Dinge anders. Sie erkennen was alt und was auf alt gemacht ist, sie wissen welche Schrift in den Steinplatten eingraviert ist und was sie für eine Bedeutung haben. Beim Unterricht Liu Jing Ru mit seinen 84 Jahren im Ba Gua zuzuschauen ist immer ein Genuss und da wir diesmal die Schwert- und die Speerform vertieft haben konnte ich mich gut auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren. Was ich auch sehr genossen habe, wir hatten nachmittags frei und konnten unsere eigenen Interessen verfolgen! Endlich Ruhe und frische Luft in den Wudangshan Bergen und Meditation bei Chen Li Sheng. Alles was ich in Meditation gelernt habe, kam hier auf einen Punkt und ließ sich gut zusammenführen und mit Tina hatten wir eine super Übersetzerin. Mit ihrem Wissen und der Unterstützung von Frank haben wir viel Neues erfahren. Für Ausflüge und Wanderungen in kleinen Interessegruppen war reichlich Zeit und da die ganze Gruppe toll war, hatten wir abends viel auszutauschen.
(In English)
I was a little worried about my chainsaw to China in my suitcase?
When I finally handed it over to my sculptor friend Liang Hao in Beijing, I was glad that everything worked out without much trouble. The trip to the mountains with her and her artist friends was very much to my liking, because artists see things differently. They recognize what is old and what is made old, they know what writing is engraved in the stone plates and what meaning they have.
To watch Liu Jing Ru, at 84 years old of age, doing Ba Gua is always a pleasure. We have deepened the sword and spear form under his training this time. I could concentrate well on the essentials. What I also enjoyed very much since we had afternoon off and could pursue our own interests!
Finally silence and fresh air in the Wudang mountains and meditation with Chen Li Sheng. Everything I learned in meditation came to one point here and could be brought together well, and we had Tina as a great translator. With her knowledge and the support of Frank, we learned a lot of new things. There was plenty of time for excursions and hikes in small interesting group of people.The whole group was great, and we had a lot to talk about in the evenings.
Many thanks to Tina Zhang and Frank Allen.
Moritz Dornauf
Ein bischen mulmig war mir schon, eine Kettensäge nach China im Koffer? Als ich sie endliche bei meiner Bildhauerfreundin Liang Hao in Peking abgeben habe war ich froh, dass alles ohne große Schwierigkeiten geklappt hat. Den Ausflug mit ihr und Künstlerfreunden in die Berge hat mir sehr entsprochen, denn Künstler sehen die Dinge anders. Sie erkennen was alt und was auf alt gemacht ist, sie wissen welche Schrift in den Steinplatten eingraviert ist und was sie für eine Bedeutung haben. Beim Unterricht Liu Jing Ru mit seinen 84 Jahren im Ba Gua zuzuschauen ist immer ein Genuss und da wir diesmal die Schwert- und die Speerform vertieft haben konnte ich mich gut auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren. Was ich auch sehr genossen habe, wir hatten nachmittags frei und konnten unsere eigenen Interessen verfolgen! Endlich Ruhe und frische Luft in den Wudangshan Bergen und Meditation bei Chen Li Sheng. Alles was ich in Meditation gelernt habe, kam hier auf einen Punkt und ließ sich gut zusammenführen und mit Tina hatten wir eine super Übersetzerin. Mit ihrem Wissen und der Unterstützung von Frank haben wir viel Neues erfahren. Für Ausflüge und Wanderungen in kleinen Interessegruppen war reichlich Zeit und da die ganze Gruppe toll war, hatten wir abends viel auszutauschen.
(In English)
I was a little worried about my chainsaw to China in my suitcase?
When I finally handed it over to my sculptor friend Liang Hao in Beijing, I was glad that everything worked out without much trouble. The trip to the mountains with her and her artist friends was very much to my liking, because artists see things differently. They recognize what is old and what is made old, they know what writing is engraved in the stone plates and what meaning they have.
To watch Liu Jing Ru, at 84 years old of age, doing Ba Gua is always a pleasure. We have deepened the sword and spear form under his training this time. I could concentrate well on the essentials. What I also enjoyed very much since we had afternoon off and could pursue our own interests!
Finally silence and fresh air in the Wudang mountains and meditation with Chen Li Sheng. Everything I learned in meditation came to one point here and could be brought together well, and we had Tina as a great translator. With her knowledge and the support of Frank, we learned a lot of new things. There was plenty of time for excursions and hikes in small interesting group of people.The whole group was great, and we had a lot to talk about in the evenings.
Many thanks to Tina Zhang and Frank Allen.
Moritz Dornauf